So here's a little taste of what I have been up to for the last 3 years. Not sure why I didn't get going on the "Blog" a long time ago, but I guess late is better than never...

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Summer Days at CHoPBUiLTiNC

Hey Guys, Hope everyone is enjoying summer working hard or hardly working, whatever jive’s for ya’LL at this juncture in life. My Blog is LIFE WITH CHOP, and although i have not always been

active on the Web, i have been busy living the life i set out to live. If you feel inclined, stop by, say  hello; let’s share a story, a kind word, or something interesting. For me it’s that passion to create, and with a little help from my friends, maybe that will continue to be what i have to offer the world. Big or small, my contribution to you all.🙏🏻

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